Review Policy

Contact: Nat;

Reviewers: Maryn, Teen Reviewer & Macy Kate, Middle Grade Reviewer {Vlog series "The Book Report"} and at times Other Friends (when necessary, click link to read their interests)

Genres Accepted: Fiction: Young Adult, New Adult, Contemporary, Middle Grade.
Limited acceptance: Paranormal, Historical and Fantasy fiction

Genres Not Accepted: Erotica, Westerns, Horror, Traditional Romance, Non-fiction, Science Fiction

Turn-Around Time for Reviews: Two months (often less, sometimes more)

Accepted Format (Nat): Any format.

Accepted Format (Maryn): Hard copies only.
Accepted Format (Macy Kate): Hard copies only.

Please Note: Due to the number of review requests I receive, I will only respond to emails for books I am accepting for review.  If I don't respond to your email, it means I cannot accept your book for review.  I apologize for this policy, but I don't have the time to respond to each review request email I receive.  

    If I don't like a review book (either due to the subject, content, or writing), I will stop reading and notify the requester that I was unable to finish the book.      

     Unless otherwise specified, all books reviewed on this site are purchased, accuired through my Kindle Unlimited (personal account) or borrowed from a friend.  I make every effort to read my review copies within several weeks; however, I may take longer to review a book.  I read ARCs and post my review at the discretion of the author or publisher (if you want the review posted closer to the release date, for example).  Reviews will be posted on ISRBR, Amazon, Goodreads and occassionally on Pinterest. 

 In accordance with the FTC Guides Governing Endorsements and Testimonials for bloggers, I will disclose in my reviews which books I received for free from the author or publisher in exchange for an uncompensated, impartial review.  My reviews are my personal opinions and will be unbiased regardless of whether the book was purchased or received without charge from an author or publisher.  I do not accept any monetary compensation for books that I review. 

Rating System:
Books are scored on a five star rating system.  

 Didn't finish it.

Finished but did not like.

It was okay.

Slightly better than okay.

I liked it.

Would recommend.

It was really good.

It was great.

It was close to perfection.

It was perfection, and I can't stop thinking about it!

If something was a complete let down (which is usually referenced in a series) it was a Mockingjay.

If our heart was completely ripped out or the love story was a complete bust, we were Roth'ed.

Updated 6.8.17