Book Review: Ignite by Danielle Rogland

Summary: In the ruins of dystopian London, the Empire rules through fear and fire.

“Everyone knew about ‘The Flames’ and how much trouble they had caused the Empire. They were the only rebel group anyone knew of that had lasted longer than a few months without getting caught, leaving candles behind whenever they snatched somebody out of the Empire’s grasp. To get involved with people like them is stupid. So stupid.”

Ever since her parents were murdered by the empire’s agents, Jacks has been living on the street as a pickpocket trying to keep away from trouble. When she accidentally witnesses the rebel group ‘The Flames’ in the middle of an operation she is unwillingly swept up into their world, and has to decide if she’s going to go back to looking after herself or join the rebellion and help them fight for the people of London Ruins.

She knows that getting involved was stupid, but does she really have a choice?

Release Date: March 2017 {Re-publication}
Age Group: YA, Dystopian
Source: Review Copy from Publisher
Reviewed By: Nat

Ignite, previously titled The Last Burning, was such a simple yet clever post-apocalyptic read. I had never read anything by Rogland and I am glad I did. She does a fantastic job of creating a dystopian world that does not resemble any other I've read (which is a hard feat in this genre) and it is non-stop action until the very last page. I had a hard time finding a breaking point and kept telling myself "one more chapter" until I realized I was done... that's a good story!

This war stricken world is set in London and follows the journey of a small group of rebels. The world building was very descriptive but not so much that I got lost in detail. The main character is Jacks but the story is told through multiple POV's. I enjoyed the change of thought and never got bored of any of the characters. Each character has their own unique story, are flawed and most importantly, memorable. Rogland did a fantastic job of really fleshing out each character.

And of course, I loved to hate the villains, they were simply terrifying! I would compare Emporer Donovan as a cross between Vaughn from Wither and President Snow from The Hunger Games. Eww, I know, isn't it great! {These two comparisons alone should be enough to make you want to read Ignite.}

There were plot twists that I didn't see coming and I never guessed where things were headed, just the right ingredients for a one sitting read (with maybe two pee breaks).

The ending. Oh man. I hate cliffhangers but this one gave me just enough closer to where I am not sure if there will be another installment or if this was a just a standalone. I am really hopeful that this is the start of a series because there are so many unanswered questions! Don't fail me now Rogland, I just found you!

Ignite is a very easy read and the writing style has a nice, simple flow. A must-read for all dystopian fans, YA lovers and just mankind in general. Ignite will easily be one of my Top 10 reads of 2017.

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