I know I've been quite dormant on the blog here lately, and for that I am sorry. These past weeks have been a flurry of illness (both Kaitlyn and I got sick, and I'm still sick weeks later), holidays and the final stretch of construction of our house. It's been busy and hectic and I've had no time or worse, mental energy, to read and review. I hope to get back to my reading and reviewing schedule soon!
In the meantime, here's some of what I've been doing in my precious little free time...
Image source: amazon.com |
I color in books for adults (although I won't turn down a pretty princess picture from one of Kaitlyn's books). Kaitlyn will sometimes color her own book next to me. It's a quiet and low-key activity that we can enjoy together. Until she starts to steal my Prismacolor pencils which were a much-beloved gift!
I love it. It's relaxing, and it calms my racing thoughts. My favorite thing to color are mandalas.
The book I'm working on right now is called Mandala Coloring Book by Clare Goodwin. I love it so much that I'm thinking of buying it again once I've finished it, to make each page different by using different color palettes.
Image credit: www.wikipedia.org |
Seriously...Netflix is the answer to many of life's questions. I watched some of my timeless classics like Pride and Prejudice, and more recently, Beastly. I had forgotten how much I love Beastly.
Next up I may re-watch the miniseries World Without End, based on Ken Follet's masterpiece of a novel, and one of my top five favorite books of all time.
Oh My WORD. I love Gayle. I discovered comedian Chris Fleming's hilarious character, Gayle, when a blogger I follow (I'm sorry, I can't remember who it was or I would link to them here) posted the following video on Facebook.
Video source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBwELzvnrQg
Needing to see more of this hilarious woman, I went to Chris Fleming's Gayle page on You Tube. Visit the Gayle home page on You Tube HERE.
What ensued can only be described only as an utter, unapologetic Gayle binge. I watched all 41 episodes (ranging from 4-20 minutes each) in about two days. Best two days ever. Now I'm re-watching them because they are just that funny! Warning: don't watch Gayle while you're eating. I actually laughed so hard that grapes came out of my nose. (TMI? Sorry!)
I then went in search of how Chris Fleming developed this hilarious character. Here's an article on Forbes, titled Meet the Man Behind the Madwoman, Gayle Waters-Waters.
I seriously haven't laughed this hard at anything online or in film in YEARS. My next life goal is to go see Gayle live. I told Toby that it would be an excellent Valentine's Day gift and he reminded me that we have furniture to buy for the new house. Details, details. I'm sure we can work something out.
So....coloring, movies, and Gayle. Those have been my relaxing activities for the last few weeks. What's been new and fun for you lately?