
Najwa is a jinni, training to be a spy in the war against the humans. Zayele is a human on her way to marry a prince of Baghdad—which she’ll do anything to avoid. So she captures Najwa and makes a wish. With a rush of smoke and fire, they fall apart and re-form—as each other. A jinni and a human, trading lives. Both girls must play their parts among enemies who would kill them if the deception were ever discovered—enemies including the young men Najwa and Zayele are just discovering they might love.
Release Date: July 22, 2014
Age Group: YA
Source: Review copy from publisher
Reviewed By: Evan
How long do we have to wait for book
two? There better be a book two, I loved
this! The plot reminded me of similar ones I have enjoyed. You might think that
would make it a bore, not the case! The characters are original, intense, and well
developed. Quickly there is an emotional connection between them and the reader.
That’s a must if I am to stay interested in, and recommend a book.
Here two girls, Zaylee and Najwa,
magically switch places “In a rush of smoke and fire, they fall apart and
re-form- as each other”. I don’t want to
give too much away but I want to make it clear that this is not a “Parent Trap”
type of swap. If you like mystery, magic and fantasy, with a hint of romantic
conflict, this is a great book for you. At the end of each chapter the point of
view changed to the other girl’s. So many times in the last few days I have
said, SERIOUSLY, yes out loud, because I wasn’t ready. At the end of the next
chapter I would have the same reaction.
It was like going to commercial break during an intense part of your
favorite T.V. drama.
The girls, who are in their late teens,
cannot let anyone know they are not who they pretend to be. That said, the only
flaw I found was at a few points one of them slipped up without arousing
suspicion. I found myself thinking, Atish (one of the great supporting
characters) would have caught that.
I hope to read more about these
characters, and soon.
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