Book Review: Deception's Princess by Esther Friesner

Some lies lead to true adventure. . . .

Maeve, princess of Connacht, was born with her fists clenched. And it's her spirit and courage that make Maeve her father's favorite daughter. But once he becomes the High King, powerful men begin to circle--it's easy to love the girl who brings her husband a kingdom.

Yet Maeve is more than a prize to be won, and she's determined to win the right to decide her own fate. In the court's deadly game of intrigue, she uses her wits to keep her father's friends and enemies close--but not too close. When she strikes up an unlikely friendship with the son of a visiting druid, Maeve faces a brutal decision between her loyalty to her family and to her own heart.

Release Date: April 22, 2014
Age Group: YA
Source: Review copy from publisher
Reviewed by: Madi B

I know I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again…I love fairytales. Some people have a weakness for vampire books. I’m a sucker for a fairytale. When I pulled this one out of the box, I knew exactly what I was in for. (I mean take a look at the cover) This book was one of the better fairytales that I’ve read---and I’ve read A LOT of them.

I loved Maeve. She was no pushover. In fact she’s the kind to push over. (Getting my drift?) She’s super fiery and strong and I LOVE IT! Even though she can be a tad conceited sometimes…

The setting was beautiful. Ireland? Oh yes please! Complete gorgeousness.

The plot is crucial when it comes to fairytales. When it’s too typical, then it’s not fun to read.  The writer had to be careful especially when the initial premise of the book is so similar to Brave. (Set pretty dang close to Scotland, feisty heroine who wants freedom, the red hair, the name MAEVE!!) I think the writer did a good job keeping the plot far away from the storyline of Brave. But there are some striking similarities. All things considered, if someone accused this book of being just like Brave, I would defend Deception’s Princess. Even though the storyline occasionally veered towards typical, I would get lost in Maeve’s world every time I picked the book up.

The romance was perfect. PERFECT, I SAY! She was so cute and he was so cute. Gahhhh.

I loved the characters in Deception’s Princess. Devnet was hilarious, Odran was dreamy (take a guess at the love interest.) and everyone else was fantastic. Although I didn’t love how confusing the names were, (Lothar? Eithne? CLOITHFINN???) I still loved the book.

Overall Deception's Princess was a very good read. It’s engaging, with interesting characters and a good plot.


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