
Date: March 18, 2014
Group: YASource: Review copy from publisher
Reviewed by: Madi B
I’ve read two books published by Merit Press and both weren’t very
impressive. I was so excited for this
book (Because of the cover, you ask? Yes. Look at that thing. I DARE you to not get
excited!) but overall it was a slight disappointment because it wasn’t bad but
it wasn’t very good either. All you fans of a dynamic, moving, plot hear me
when I say this is not the book for you. You know how sometimes in books like the Percy Jackson Series, you find
yourself liking the calm just as much as you like the action? (If you’re the
all action type just bear with me, I have a point to make.) This whole book was
the calm. There was nothing that put me on the edge of my seat, in fear OR
anticipation. I was waiting for this huge-earth-shattering conflict to make up
for the lack of conflict in the story. But when we got to the “conflict” it was
so anti-climatic it was almost funny. (Ouch, sorry, that was a tad harsh) Let me
sort this out with a good old pros and cons list.
start with the negative.
Becky. I have to say, I was not that impressed. She didn’t have
much…anything. If Becky was a grammatical construction, she’d be passive voice.
She needed more of a personality! Sure she was shy but shy isn’t the only thing
that defines a person!
John. In the summary it mentions a “handsome
boy” (Oh no! I told you his name is John!! Bring out the cannons!!!) When I
read this, my inner fangirl was thinking “Yessss! Come closer handsome boy, you
have a Becky to meet!” I felt like the love story was put on the back burner
the whole book. THE BACK BURNER!!! Fangirl me was not happy. Look, it a YA
book! Give me ROMANCE! Not this whole
awkward as crap thing going on!!! Like
they’d seriously (Sorry that was extremely teenager-y) be sitting in the car
together and say two words. TWO WORDS!!! YOU’RE NOT IN MIDDLE SCHOOL! I could fit
all of their conversation throughout the book on 2 pieces of paper.
Good things!
I love the whole baby premise. It was all very Rilla of Ingleside (That’s an Anne
reference for all you non-Green-Gables-ers) I though it was all very sweet and
Becky’s feelings for Georgia were her best trait.
I loved Rosie. Now THAT lady has some spunk! She
was easily the best character in the book. AND she has some great quotes that
BEG to be highlighted!
Overall, this book wasn’t bad. It’s a good book to read
after you read an emotionally exhausting book. (Not all books can be The Book Thief). Although I probably
won’t remember the majority of this book, I don’t regret reading it.
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