
Told from both Emma and Galen's points of view, here is a fish-out-of-water story that sparkles with intrigue, humor, and waves of romance.
Release Date: May 22, 2012
Age Group: YA
Source: Purchased
Reviewed By: Madi B
I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE (I could keep going) this book! When I love a book, I can take it down in a day. But this one, I read in a matter of hours! After I finished it, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Every time someone said something, I'd find a way to relate it to the book. I love the characters, the story, how the magical world relates to ours; it's just AMAZING!
I'm a sucker for a strong female lead. A weak pushover? NO WAY, JOSE! Emma was a perfect fit! Everything about her was plain awesome. I liked how she wasn't perfect. She had problems just like the rest of us and I loved that! You'd be surprised how many authors make their characters flawless. Nicholas Sparks is notorious for it. Tiny, tan, athletic, beautiful, AND emerald green eyes? Give me a break! What is it with authors and green eyes?
I loved Galen. His awkwardness around some things was freaking adorable. I really liked the story line too! Watching their love story evolve was so wonderful. The whole time i was thinking cute, socially awkward, AND in love with you? MARRY HIM! MARRY HIM NOW!
I thought Anna Banks was kind of playing on the reader a bit though. Could you imagine a deep, mysterious, and totally model worthy guy show up randomly at school and is ONLY interested in you? The author completely understands that we've all have had that daydream and is playing on our weakness of fictional characters! Although I forgave Galen because he's so darn cute.
I liked how Banks didn't give Emma everything. Some authors will make everything good happen to the character. Like in Adventurers Wanted, the main guy has an amazing natural talent for sword-fighting wins everything, and, oh by the way, HE'S A WIZARD TOO! Can he lose something…ever? I liked how Emma didn't get everything she wanted (I don’t want to give anything away so I won’t elaborate).
Overall I love Of Poseidon. I was recommending the book before I finished it. Me: “Everyone in the whole world should read this book!” Person: “What’s it called?” me: “Can’t….talk…must…read.” I’m so glad I have a copy of this because I want to read it over and over and over again!
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