Weekly Wrap-Up/Mini Review 1.13.13

My reading binge continues...I just can't get enough of reading on my new Kindle.  And I seem to be reading much faster on it compared to my Nook---maybe it's because the Kindle is so much lighter and easier to use, I find myself picking it up more often to read a few pages here and there.  

Books I Read This Week:

Loving Summer (Loving Summer #1) by Kailin GowMini Review: I liked Loving Summer but did have a few problems with it.  The writing style felt choppy, with very short sentences.  The characters' internal dialogue didn't feel authentic, and I could not really identify with any of the characters.  Especially Summer, who has three guys after her and goes back and forth between all three.  I would read book two if I could get it for free, but I won't be buying it.  Rating: 3/5 stars.

A Shade of Vampire by Bella Forrest.  What a nice surprise!  I really liked this YA paranormal romance and can't wait for the next book in the series.  Full review to come.

Nobody by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.  This was a haunting, unique read.  It's still on my mind, days later.  I really enjoyed it! 

Rapunzel Untangled by Cindy C. Bennett.  What a fun, modern-day retelling of a classic fairy tale!

How was your reading week?

Check out the Valentine's signature Natalie made me---super cute, right?


  1. Hi Kelli - I found that I read more on my e-reader, too (I use my iPad, which is heavy, but...) - like the backlighting and being able to increase font size for my tired eyes. Before I buy a print book now, I always look at the font size and whether the ink is dark enough. Come on, publishers! Make it easier on us!
    I'm re-reading "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" and planning to start "The Hour I First Believed" (Wally Lamb) when that's done. Have a great day!

  2. You go girl! You're a machine.


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