
Surprised, and none too happy. The godmothers are fugitives, framed for treason, and the last thing the magical Council wants is another fairy godmother going rogue. Hence Stormy’s new full-time Guard, Hunter Merrick.
Stormy quickly realizes she’s not going to escape Hunter’s watch…and before long, she’s not sure she wants to. But her freedom depends on her ability to expose the plot against the godmothers, and that means getting control of her magic. Despite the growing chemistry between them, Hunter is fiercely loyal to the Council—and duty-bound to keep Stormy from doing either of those things.
But he didn’t count on Stormy’s irrepressible exuberance and passion for life. Before long, even Hunter isn’t sure which side he’s on, and he can’t contain Stormy either way.
Release Date: April 24, 2012
Age Group: Adult
Publisher: Tom Doherty Associates
I have really enjoyed the Time of Transition trilogy. This series is light-hearted fun, with sweet love stories and a nice plot centering around magic. Each book in the series features one new-found fairy godmother. Book one was Kristin's story, book two was Reggie's story, and book three was Stormy's story. I really connected with Kristin and Reggie, and found a lot of my own attributes in them. I had a harder time connecting with Stormy, though. She was just so different from the other two godmothers, so headstrong and stubborn. I did like and respect her, though, especially her passion for everything in her life.
Like Kristin and Reggie, Stormy is living her life and suddenly finds out she is a fairy godmother. She is incredulous and doesn't believe that she has the power to wield magic. She quickly finds herself in a precarious position, though, as the other godmothers are in hiding from the magical Council. Stormy is soon embroiled in the conflict between the godmothers and the Council, and has to choose sides. In the middle of all of this is her guard, Hunter. Hunter and Stormy both chafe at the situation: Stormy doesn't want a guard and Hunter wants to be off doing bigger things. But, slowly, they begin to respect each other and that respect starts to build into attraction.
The events in the first two books led up to the conclusion of the series in Wishful Thinking. And I was totally happy with the ending: Stevens knows how to deliver a happily ever after without it being too cloyingly sweet or overdone. I enjoyed the plot twists and found myself surprised at the way the story concluded.
Overall, I really enjoyed Wishful Thinking, and the Time of Transition series. I would recommend it to fans of romance, magical realism, and anyone looking for a fun read.
I want to know you guys' position on the Story Siren issue! Do you think she should take her blog down? Should we even pay attention to her anymore?
ReplyDeleteHi Jennifer,
DeleteNatalie and I are trying our best to remain neutral on this matter. We are deeply saddened by what has happened, but feel that plenty of people have said enough on the matter, and don't want to vilify Kristi any more than she already has been. We have always been against plagiarism, in any setting, and are afraid that this recent scandal has tainted the blogging community as a whole. I believe that it will take time and effort for Kristi to regain her readers' trust. As far as taking her blog down, that is Kristi's decision alone to make. It is up to you whether you want to read or follow her blog from this point forward. You need to decide for yourself if you accept her apology and if you can trust her in the future. We don't like to take the position of telling anyone to follow or not follow other bloggers. I hate that the book blogging community has become so divided over this issue, and hope that we can get back to what's important---books!
Well said!