Review requests especially make me feel guilty. I feel bad about reading one of my picks when I know I have review requests waiting for me. I hate making authors and publishers wait more than a couple of weeks for a review.
And then there's the guilt involved when I give a review request a bad rating. I feel guilty letting the author down, but know that I have to stay true to how I really feel about a book. I don't ever want to become a cookie-cutter reviewer, giving every book 3.5 or more stars "just because." I'm always going to say, within the bounds of common courtesy, how I felt about a book, whether it's good or bad. I do work to always have something positive to say, and not to be too negative overall, but you can rest assured that the reviews you read here are my honest opinion.
Another thing I've noticed is that when I get too behind on reviews, I start feeling overwhelmed. There's been a couple of times when I thought I was going to have to leave the blog, I felt so overwhelmed by reviews. When I wait too long to review a book, the harder the review gets to write. When I write my review immediately after reading is when the review flows the easiest for me (it's true I have talked her "off the ledge" on several occasions ~Natalie).
As much as pregnancy has mellowed me out on these issues, I'm hoping motherhood will soften me up even more. I think a lot of these feelings stem from being a driven, Type A, perfectionist personality that turns everything into work and tends to take the fun out of things. So, if you see a review here on the blog, I may have read the book several weeks ago, and that's okay. My reviews may not be as long as they used to be: I'm not setting any word count goals for myself, to keep my reviews from feeling like work. I may not review every single book I read, and that's okay too. Blogging is supposed to be fun, and that's my goal for 2011---to have FUN with this blog!
My goals is simple for the blog... to survive my busy schedule and read during all nap times! ~Natalie
My goals is simple for the blog... to survive my busy schedule and read during all nap times! ~Natalie