We love this series so much that our husbands read the books so they could understand what we kept going on and on about! The only thing we disagree on is our team affiliations---Natalie, her husband, and my husband are all Team Peeta while I am staunchly Team Gale.
In preparation for the release of Mockingjay, I decided to re-read (at least the third time) The Hunger Games. Click here for my original review.
Second Opinion on The Hunger Games:
Second Opinion on The Hunger Games:
Things I like about The Hunger Games:
- The plot: so many twists!
- The pacing: once you start, you just can't stop!
- The world building: finally, a fantasy novel that I "get" right away, without having to read hundreds of pages to figure it out (like I did with The Demon King).
- The character development.
- The suspense: You would think that having already read THG twice, I would not be as caught up in the suspense---but I was. My heart was pounding at certain parts, even though I already knew what would happen.
- The page turning action: just try to NOT read this one in one day, or even one sitting!
- The emotion: Is there anyone who read about Prim’s shirt tail slipping out of her waistband as she walks up to the stage at the reaping and didn’t want to cry? I know I did! Or what about Rue and the flowers? Even Peeta’s leg at the end made me sad again.
Things I don't like about The Hunger Games:
The character names were a little difficult to adjust to.
The constant focus on finding and cooking food makes me want to eat!
If for some unearthly reason, you have not read this book, drop everything and go read it now! I'm not a gusher by nature but I could go on and on about how great this series is!
Original Score/Second Opinion Score:
I love that you re-graded The Hunger Games! I've been re-reading the series in anticipation of Mockingjay, and I can't help loving it even more! Brilliant review :)
ReplyDeleteI was beyond excited to read this book because people are so in love with them and I wanted to see what they were all talking about. So I went out and bought it. I was about a hundred or so pages in when I put it down. It just wasn't clicking with me.:/ I definitely need to pick it up again and have been told that once the hunger games actually commence in the book that things get waaay more interesting.
ReplyDeleteI read these books because I had read so many reviews of the series and NOT ONE BAD, and yet I wasn't expecting to actually like it myself. I was wrong. I had to go straight through Catching Fire and Mockingjay in a weekend, putting the rest of life on hold. Great review, I love the "second opinion" feature you have on this blog.